Xiliupa chicken feet
Xiliupa chicken feet
secretly-made sauce; high-quality chicken feet; soft, glutinous, fresh and appetizing; melting in mouth
Xianghe Fugui chop
Xianghe Fugui chop
high-quality chop which is secretly-made, together with soft and glutinous taro, potato and Guizhou bamboo shoots, full of aftertaste
Tasty fish
Tasty fish
fresh and alive fish, which is well-cooked; tender and smooth
Mutton chop pot
Mutton chop pot
white soup and tender; nutritious and delicious
Stewed radish and big bones
Stewed radish and big bones
high-quality big bones and good radish; simmered with slow fire; very good smell
Signboard gourmet
  • Delicious Fish
  • Hongshunji Xiliupa
  • Zhaiqingnian Barbecue
  • Drinks and snacks
  • Special seasoning packets